10 years from now, the world will be a very different place than what it is now. As technology advances, it will soon take over the world... but for the better? People are concerned over the role they believe technology will play in their future lives. They worry about global warming and other natural disasters technology is bound to invite. My answer to these suspicions is simply there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Innovation has never been faster. In little less than a decade, our streets will be filled with autonomous cars. Humans will not need to drive a car in the very near future. This eliminates human error on the road, including DUI and texting, which continues to be a major threat to anyone on the road. Technology will soon be able to cure diseases that we cannot cure today. Nurses will be better equipped to deal and treat anything they see in their hospitals. The world is going in the right direction, as humans are steering the future today. Imagine how much technology helps us in our lives today. In 10 years, Apple was able to go from the very first iPhone to the revolutionary iPhoneX. Image what our phones will be like in another 10 years. 20 years. Exciting isn't it.